Monday, September 21, 2009

Baby Swain!

Yep, Susan will have a new little brother or sister in about seven months. I am so ready for the second trimester to start (I'm so sick of feeling like I'm going to lose my breakfast....or lunch...or dinner for that matter). We go to the doctor on Wednesday to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I think this pregnancy will go smoother than the last simply because I know what to expect. I'm so excited our family's growing!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Swain Number 2!!

It's official! We're having another one! Neither of us can keep from smiling at each other all the time. I'm sure that second pregnancies are easier than the first one if only because you know what to expect. It's going to be hard to be patient to wait for things like those first kicks and knowing whether it's a boy or a girl, but I'm determined to enjoy the pregnancy while it lasts, because when that baby gets here life is going to get crazy!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


So for many reasons, but mostly because teachers get paid a lump sum for the summer that must be stretched for two months, we have been a little strapped for cash as we try to make it these last few days until pay day. And what did we do in our crunch? Rush to eBay of course and make a quick $130 with the possibility at another $150 by the end of the week (we have several watchers but no bids yet:). It's not the greatest addiction, but I can think of worse things then refreshing "My eBay" every few seconds to see if you've snagged another sale. EBay might be able to help us pay off some debt!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Money Matters

I am determined not to get frustrated when unexpected things come up in life. Well, let me rephrase that...I may get frustrated, the Lord says I can even get angry, but I will not give up or lose hope.

I have made praying more of a priority these days and through that I've noticed I seem genuinely happy more often. Not just getting through...but really happy. Even when we have (what seems like) huge unexpected financial burdens, I console myself by remembering that the Lord will provide and that even if we have to wait on Him longer than we expect, we are taken care of. Money, is an area of my life where Satan knows he can hurt me. I check my balances so often (almost like an addiction) because I want to know that my family and I being frugal and not over-extending ourselves. So when we have to pay to replace car parts or when we have to pay for a teaching course out of pocket if I don't calm down and remember who's really in control I can quickly slip into financial depression.

How awesome it is when we know that even our checking accounts cannot control our happiness. I'll trust my joy to a higher power!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Additions???

I'm praying for patience today. We are really hoping to add to our family this year and it's so hard to patiently wait to...uh...find out if that's happened yet or not. I've always wanted a family that included more than one child and I don't care how "expensive" children are or how much we have to set aside for another college fund, I think that another precious baby would be such a blessing! We love our first one so much! So August 24th is about the day we should know one way or another. Either way God's in control and He will provide!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Dru and I enjoyed our third anniversary today. A lot has happened in three years. A daughter. A move. A new house. New careers. I can't believe all of that happened in 36 months. When I think of problems or stress, it helps to think about how quickly times passes and that the problems we face today will not always be here to plague us. So much has changed for us in three years, it feels like we have accomplished so much and come so far from the two young-right-out-of-college-newlyweds that we were. I know that if we continue to lean on God for understanding and guidance that He will bless us in love beyond our wildest dreams.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Old Bay Broil

Dru cooked the most wonderful lunch today! In a pot that could have fit Susan in it, he broiled shrimp, potatoes, onions, corn on the cob, and sausage. We had everyone over after church and they all agreed that he had outdone himself. It was so delicious! No need for plates, we just put newspaper down, set out tongs, and let everyone go for it.
It is so fulfilling having your home filled with family and good food! My devotional today reminded me to wait on God's timing. Not too long ago, I was in college praying for a family of my own and now I'm enjoying their love everyday.

Cruise From Last Year

Cruise From Last Year